Remake Ambassador, Lizzy wearing Transcend's Sana bomber an mosaic top.

Making Fashion A Force for Good

Guest Author: JeLisa Marshall (Community Organizer at Remake)

Did you know that despite there being a little over 8 billion people on the planet, fashion suppliers collectively produce 100 billion articles of clothing per year? If you’re thinking this figure is disproportionate, you’re right. Overproduction is a major problem within the industry and impacts both people and the planet negatively.


Additionally, some of the biggest brands in the fashion industry manufacture their products in countries like Bangladesh, India and Pakistan, but not because of the rich textile heritage of these countries. The fashion industry runs on the backs of skilled garment workers from the Global South, who are exploited to maximize the profits for big corporations and their stakeholders, with little to no regard to their rights or wellbeing.

Rescue workers search for survivors in the ruins of the collapsed Rana Plaza building on April 25 2013. ABIR ABDULLAH / EPA


On April 24, 2013 the Rana Plaza factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing over 1,100 garment workers after they were forced to finish orders, despite large structural cracks being discovered the previous day. While the Rana Plaza collapse shed light on the unethical supply chains of the fashion industry, now 11 years later there is still much work to be done.

Chile's Atacama Desert has become one of the dumping grounds for fast fashion. MARTIN BERNETTI / Getty Images


The unsold or unwanted clothing produced is often destroyed or landfilled and typically occurs in the Global South, exacerbating climate change in areas that are already environmentally distressed. Every second, the equivalent of a truck load of clothes is incinerated or buried in landfill. This practice is known as waste colonialism. Just take one look into places like Kantamanto Market in Ghana and the Atacama Desert in Chile and you’ll better understand why.
Although the reality is grim, not all hope is lost. Fashion can be a force for good. There are people who are thinking globally and acting locally to create sustainable solutions for problems like overproduction. Remake Ambassadors and a new generation of brands like Transcend are prime examples.


What is Remake?

Remake is a non-profit organization that advocates for climate change and fair labor in the clothing industry. Its theory of change is to ensure workers across the supply chain are paid more and produce less, resulting in responsibly made clothes. Ambassadors host educational events like clothing swaps, documentary screenings, and repair workshops to encourage their community to get involved in the movement by centering equity and justice when shopping.


There are more than 1,500 Ambassadors worldwide! Some of whom make up the Remake Seattle Community. To further the impact in our city, one of the newest Ambassadors recently collaborated with Transcend to showcase the versatility of the latest collection and the importance of fashion activism.


Meet Lizzy

Lizzy in Transcend's Farah Blazer, photographed by @jessgarciastudio


Name: Elizabeth (Lizzy) Paul 
Pronouns: She/Her
Occupation: Environmental Sustainability Consultant
Ambassador Since: 2024


What motivated you to join Remake? 
I am very interested in sustainable and circular textiles, and the fashion industry has always been fascinating to me. I am lucky to work on sustainable textiles management in my day to day work, but wanted to get a different perspective and join an organization with like-minded people. 
What is the biggest challenge and reward about supporting the sustainable fashion movement? 
The policy landscape and lack of funding available for initiatives is quite challenging. Getting people to change behaviors they’ve always had is no easy feat, and getting people to care is a whole other story! 
Do you have a favorite memory or moment from the experience? Why?
I am very new to Remake and just experienced my first event about a week ago. I am so excited for the opportunities that Remake has already given me. 
What is your biggest hope for fashion and future ambassadors? 
Policy change and funding for sustainable fashion initiatives; opting for natural fibers over synthetics, and ensuring equitable working conditions for those in the industry who are doing the hard work daily.

Lizzy in Transcend's Amira Blazer, photographed by @jessgarciastudio


Get To Know Transcend

Transcend is a Seattle-based, slow fashion brand that was founded by Nazia Siddiqui in 2020 with the goal to bridge the gap between customers and artisans, and eradicate exploitation in the fashion industry. Supporting local brands like Transcend is an opportunity for our city to take direct action. Every purchase helps to ensure artisan partners in the Global South are respected for sharing their traditional knowledge and paid living wages.


A female artisan block printing the Inaya jacket from Transcend's SS'24 collection


To prevent overproduction, collections are created in small batches confirmed by pre-order instead of “chasing industry norms of releasing 6 to 12 collections each year.” Not to mention, 98% of fabrics used are made from natural fibers (e.g. cotton, linen, silk) and 2% are human-engineered but plant-derived (e.g. viscose).

This kept 4,713 lbs of fabrics made from fossil fuels (e.g. polyester) out of places like Kantamanto Market and the Atacama Desert between the years of 2021 and 2023–which would have taken “decades to degrade.” By designing responsibly, the brand is showing “that putting people and planet first is not just the right thing to do but is also a good business decision.”

You can support Transcend by shopping and investing in the brand, amplifying their mission within your networks and by joining the Transcend community to help shape the brand. Choosing to support brands like Transcend is one small way to make a big difference.


The tags on Transcend's SS'24 collection showcase a watercolor image and the story of the artisan who made each piece #whomadeyourclothes

Get Involved

Learn more about the Transcend's approach to sustainability here.
Then, elevate your activism and sign up to become a Remake Ambassador today!


Sign the Fabric Act for greater accountability within the fashion industry.

Read Remake's Fashion Accountability Report 2024.


Special thanks to NC Concept Store in downtown Edmonds, WA for providing styling pieces for the Remake x Transcend collaboration. 

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